Ūkio paskola

Ūkio paskola skirta žemės ir technikos įsigijimui, apyvartiniam kapitalui padidinti, kitiems ūkio plėtros poreikiams. Paskolos sąlygos priklauso nuo ūkio kreditingumo, paskolai užtikrinti įkeičiamo turto, paskolos grąžinimo laikotarpio ir kitų kriterijų.


19,618 €
19,618 €
Palūkanų dydis
iki 13%



Liko laiko



Paskolos tikslas
Working capital

Business information
Security measures
Loan history
Projekto savininkas Adresas
Maciej Galicki Czelatyce 47, 37-562 Czelatyce
header_1 Deklaruotas plotas Nuosavas plotas
Farming land 31.00 ha 16.80 ha
Pajamos 54,956.00 € 36,479.00 €
Grynasis pelnas - -
Nuosavo kapitalo santykis - -
Total value of pledged assets

22,849.00 €

Land 2.64 ha 4,099.00 € Based on the average prices presented by Central Statistical Office and the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture
Land 7,198.00 € Based on the average prices presented by Central Statistical Office and the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture
Land 2,164.00 € Based on the average prices presented by Central Statistical Office and the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture
Land 4,754.00 € Based on the average prices presented by Central Statistical Office and the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture
Land 2,442.00 € Based on the average prices presented by Central Statistical Office and the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture
Land 2,192.00 € Based on the average prices presented by Central Statistical Office and the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture
Other - -
Read more about security measures here.
Paskolos numeris Paskolos suma Paskolos likutis Apmokėtos palūkanos Statusas
PL0000868 19,618.00 € 19,618.00 € 977.30 € Active
PL0000861 26,691.00 € 26,691.00 € 1,530.85 € Active
PL0000866 23,488.00 € 23,488.00 € 1,409.44 € Active
PL0000867 19,218.00 € 19,218.00 € 999.40 € Active
Project description
Payment schedule
The farmer has been farming since 2004 when he inherited the farm (5 hectares). He gradually bought more hectares and signed long-term leases. For the time being, he takes care of the farm himself. The farmer actively supports the development of sustainable agriculture and wants to be a partner in this process through innovative crop protection measures and new crop varieties.

The project owner cultivates 31 hectares of land of which he owns 16,8 ha.
He cultivates cereals and crops such as: winter wheat, spring and winter barley, oats, potatoes, maize, and sugar beet.
The project owner has permanent outlets for its crops. It has a grain contract with TANEW Sp. z o.o. and ROLGIL as well as a sugar beet contract with Südzucker Polska S.A.

The farmer owns 18 machines that improve all processes on the farm:

  • Zetor 10145 agricultural tractor
  • Ursus C360 agricultural tractor
  • P93-t9 agricultural trailer
  • Autosan D47T 4.5T agricultural trailer
  • Autosan D35T3 35.T agricultural trailer
  • bizon super ZO54 combine harvester
  • SIPMA Z224 straw baler
  • KLEIN 5000 beet harvester
  • Amazone D8 cereal seed drill
  • Amazone 1001 fertilizer spreader
  • 600L mounted sprayer
  • rotary harrow
  • slurry tanker
  • manure spreader
  • UNHZ 500 cyclop loader
  • elevator digger
  • four-point harrow
  • forklift truck rak Suchedniów
This is the farmer's fourth loan from HeavyFinance out of 4 planned at the moment. The financing will be used for the farm's working capital and land expansion.

The revenue for 2020 consists of 8 674 € in subsidies.
The revenue for 2021 consists of 9 351 € in subsidies.

Active loans balance: €69397
Active loan number: PL0000861, PL0000866, PL0000867

Projekto rizikos

Šitam projektui, kyla rizika prarasti visą gautą pelną ir investuotas lėšas.

Tokiu atveju, Projekto savininkui neįvykdžius savo įsipareigojimų, Platformos operatorius imsis visų būtinų priemonių investuotojų interesams apsaugoti ir panaudos pateiktą užstatą, tačiau Platformos valdytojas negarantuoja visiško Projekto savininko įsipareigojimų įvykdymo.

Finansinėms sutartims netaikoma Lietuvos Respublikos indėlių ir įsipareigojimų investuotojams draudimo įstatymo nustatyta draudimo apsauga.

Papildoma informacija:

Projekto savininkui nesurinkus finansuotinų sumų, surinktos lėšos grąžinamos rėmėjams pervedant jas į sąskaitą, iš kurios buvo pervestos. Platformos operatorius taip pat turi teisę pasiūlyti Projekto savininkui per Projekto finansavimo terminą sumažinti finansuojamą sumą arba pratęsti Projekto finansavimo terminą. Tokiu atveju, sumažinus finansuojamą sumą arba pratęsus Projekto finansavimo terminą, visais atvejais apie tai pranešama Platformoje ir informuojami Fondo finansuotojai.