project_owner | address |
header_1 | declared | owned |
Dirbama žemė | - | - |
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net_profit |
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About the project
A family of farmers cultivates a vegetable farm in the Kėdainiai district. This year they are preparing for the fifteenth season of vegetable harvesting. Various vegetables are grown on an area of 47.17 hectares - onions, potatoes, cucumbers.
The husband and his wife work on the farm together and hire five more seasonal workers during the more intensive time. The farm's technical fleet, consisting of four tractors and smaller necessary implements, also helps to maintain the farm's efficiency.
Vegetables grown on the farm reaches not only Lithuanian tables but are also exported to other European Union countries. "By having long-term contracts with buyers, we are sure that the harvested vegetables will reach the right consumers. We have been maintaining strong relationships with loyal customers over the years, therefore there is no need to look for new buyers and sign new contracts, ” the farmer assures.
Now the farm needs additional working capital, which will be used to cover harvesting costs.
The family of farmers is planning to modernize the equipment used by installing a watering system before the next season. This action would greatly facilitate the care of vegetables, especially onions.
Area of declared land: 47,17 hectares, from which 10 hectares are owned by the project owner
Annual interest
- Investing from 100 € - interest 10,0%
- Investing from 500 € - interest 10,8%
- Investing from 1.000 € - interest 11,1%
- Investing from 2.000 € - interest 11,6%
- Investing from 5.000 € - interest 11,8%
- Investing from 10.000 € - interest 12,2%