Žalioji paskola
Investuotojams Žaliosios paskolos atveria naują galimybę prisidėti prie klimato kaitos stabdymo ir pasinaudoti sparčiu anglies taršos sertifikatų rinkos augimu. Investuodami į Žaliąsias paskolas HeavyFinance platformoje, jūs paskolinate pinigus ūkininkams, o vietoje palūkanų gaunate dalį grąžos iš aukštos kokybės anglies taršos sertifikatų pardavimo tarptautinėje savanoriškoje anglies dioksido rinkoje.
49,800 €
49,800 €
Palūkanų dydis 
Liko laiko
Paskolos tikslas
Working capital
Verslo informacija
Apsaugos priemonės
Paskolų istorija
Projekto savininkas | Adresas |
header_1 | Deklaruotas plotas | Nuosavas plotas |
Dirbama žemė | 134.25 ha | 68.00 ha |
2023 | 2022 | |
Pajamos | 185,751.00 € | 117,596.00 € |
Grynasis pelnas | 18,714.00 € | -21,758.00 € |
Nuosavo kapitalo santykis | 45.93% | - |
Projekto aprašymas
About the farm
We invite you to invest in a farmer who is committed not only to high quality production but also to sustainable agriculture.
The farmer, who has been farming since 2005, is currently successfully working 134 hectares of land, of which 68 hectares are his own. The farm produces beans, peas, potatoes and wheat.
The farmer uses the method of no-till farming on his farm and plans to expand his farm in the future by increasing the size of the farmland.
The farm's machinery fleet consists of reliable and efficient tractors, such as a John Deere 6930 and a Massey Ferguson 6190, a high-end Massey Ferguson 7347 MCS combine harvester. It also includes a SKY EasyDrill W4020 Fertisem HD PRO direct seeder and other necessary equipment to ensure efficient field management and quality of harvests.
The farm is currently borrowing to increase its working capital. Join us to help further develop this promising farm while ensuring its growth and development.
Main Terms
The principal will be repaid by the farmer in regular instalments over the span of 5 years in accordance with the repayment schedule.
120,62 hectares of land are included in the Green Loan program. It is estimated that a total of 1 332 carbon certificates will be generated in 6 years (based on a conservative estimation). Consequently, investors will receive a portion of sales proceeds from every carbon certificate generated throughout the span of 6 years as the following terms;
- 60% of income share during the loan period
- 40% of income share for the following year after the loan period
It is expected that the first carbon certificates will be generated and sold in the fourth quarter of 2024. The exact return will depend on the amount of sequestered CO2 levels and the sale price of the carbon certificates.
If the farm withdraws from the Green Loan without a period of at least 6 years has elapsed, it undertakes to reimburse 12% annual interest.
CO2 emissions to be removed from the atmosphere because of this loan are equal to 3,4 million kilometres driven by an average gasoline-powered passenger vehicle.
Annualized return forecast
- Conservative scenario (€20 per carbon certificate): 16.3% IRR*
- Today's scenario (€35 per carbon certificate): 28,1% IRR*
- Optimistic scenario (€100 per carbon certificate): 79,6% IRR*
Read more about the return scenarios in the document section
*The internal rate of return (IRR) is a metric used in financial analysis to estimate the profitability of potential investments. Learn more about it
Keep in mind that the return forecast is an estimation and does not guarantee you the returns mentioned above.
Investuodami į žaliąsias paskolas, prisiimate šias rizikas
Anglies taršos kreditai gali negauti reikiamų sertifikatų ir nebūti sukurti dėl vienos iš šalių kaltės ar išorinių veiksnių.
Dėl pasikeitusių rinkos sąlygų, matavimo metodologijos ir kitų veiksnių, anglies kreditų kaina gali keistis.
Projekto savininkui neįvykdžius savo įsipareigojimų, UAB Heavy Finance imsis visų būtinų priemonių investuotojų interesams apsaugoti ir panaudos pirmine hipoteka įkeistą užstatą, tačiau bendrovė negarantuoja visiško projekto savininko įsipareigojimų įvykdymo.