Agriculture loan

Agriculture loans are tailored to acquire capital for various purposes such as expansion, inventory purchase, equipment acquisition, hiring staff, or to manage day-to-day operational expenses. The terms and conditions of these loans vary depending borrower's creditworthiness, collateral, repayment tenure and other factors.


15,000 €
15,000 €
Return rate



Time left



Loan purpose
Apyvartinio kapitalo padidinimui

Business information
Security measures
Loan history
Project owner Address
Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx
Xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx xxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx
header_1 Declared Owned
Dirbama žemė0.14 ha0.20 ha
Revenue 33,233.97 € 22,803.61 €
Net profit 18,917.79 € 12,783.00 €
Equity ratio - -
Project description
Payment schedule
Jaunasis ūkininkas Lachezaras Suvandžijevas ūkininkauti pradėjo 2019 m. Šiuo metu jis turi šiltnamį, kuriame augina dekoratyvines gėles ir parduodamus vazoninius augalus. 
Šiltnamis yra Draganovo kaime, esančiame Veliko Tarnovo regione, Gorna Oriachovicos savivaldybėje.

Tai ne pirmoji ūkininko paskola "Heavy Finance" platformoje. Anksčiau jis buvo sudaręs 5 paskolų sutartis, iš kurių 4 buvo visiškai grąžintos. Šiuo metu ūkininkas turi vieną aktyvią paskolą, kurios užstatas - nekilnojamasis turtas ir žemė su šiltnamiais. Visos jo paskolos buvo aptarnaujamos laiku, o tai atspindi puikią jo kredito istoriją.

Šiuo nauju projektu ūkininkas siekia gauti papildomo apyvartinio kapitalo, kad galėtų pagerinti savo infrastruktūrą, siekdamas pagerinti auginimo procesą, padidinti derlių ir išplėsti pajėgumus žiemos sezono metu.
Kaip šios paskolos užtikrinimo priemonė bus įregistruota antrojo įkeitimo hipoteka jo turtui. Turtas jau yra "HeavyFinance" paskolos BG0001550, kurios negrąžintas likutis yra 15 938,21 EUR, užstatas. Turto vertė 2023 m. liepos mėn. buvo įvertinta 33 800 EUR.

Project risks

For this project, there is a risk of losing all the profits made and the funds invested.

In this case, if the Project Owner fails to fulfill its obligations, the Platform Operator will take all necessary measures to protect the interests of investors and use the provided collateral, but the Platform Operator does not guarantee the full fulfillment of the Project Owner's obligations.

Financial agreements are not subject to the insurance protection established by the Law on Insurance of Deposits and Liabilities to Investors of the Republic of Lithuania.

Additional information:

If the project owner does not collect the amounts to be financed, the collected funds will be returned to the funders by transferring them to the account from which they were transferred. The Platform Operator also has the right to offer the Project Owner to reduce the amount to be financed during the Project financing term or to extend the Project financing term. In this case, if the amount to be financed is reduced or the term of financing the Project is extended, it shall in all cases be announced on the Platform and the Fund's financiers shall be informed.