Green loan
Green Loan is a type of financing that enables farmers to use the proceeds for projects contributing to the environment. For investors, Green Loans give an opportunity to indirectly contribute to the generation of high-quality soil carbon credits, which are later sold on the Voluntary Carbon Market and receive part of the proceeds from their sale.
Project owner | Address |
header_1 | Declared | Owned |
Dirbama žemė | 122.02 ha | 57.39 ha |
2023 | 2022 | |
Revenue | 74,628.00 € | 64,883.00 € |
Net profit | 9,652.00 € | 15,306.00 € |
Equity ratio | 57.31% | - |
Projekto aprašymas
1995 m. Ukmergės rajone buvo įkurtas augalininkystės ūkis, kuriame auginami kviečiai, rapsai ir kitos kultūros. Ūkį sudaro 122,02 ha ariamos žemės, iš kurių 57,39 ha priklauso ūkininkui.
Ūkininkui priklauso tokia technika kaip kombainas, traktorius, sėjamoji, purkštuvas, priekaba ir kita žemės dirbimo įranga. Ūkininkas naudoja beariminės žemdirbystės technologiją.
Ūkininkas kreipiasi į HeavyFinance bendruomenę dėl paskolos žemei įsigyti, įkeisdamas jam priklausančią žemę.
Pagrindinės sąlygos
Grąžos lūkesčiai
Project risks
Please note that investing in this project carries inherent risks, including the potential for the loss of profits and invested funds.
In the event that the Project Owner fails to fulfil their obligations, HeavyFinance will take all necessary measures to safeguard the interests of investors and utilise the provided collateral. However, the Platform Operator does not guarantee the complete fulfilment of the Project Owner’s obligations.
There is also the possibility that carbon certificates may not be generated due to various reasons, such as the actions of Heavy Finance UAB, the project owner, or external factors.
Due to changes in market conditions, measurement methodologies and other factors, the price of carbon certificates is subject to change.