Ūkio paskola

Ūkio paskola skirta žemės ir technikos įsigijimui, apyvartiniam kapitalui padidinti, kitiems ūkio plėtros poreikiams. Paskolos sąlygos priklauso nuo ūkio kreditingumo, paskolai užtikrinti įkeičiamo turto, paskolos grąžinimo laikotarpio ir kitų kriterijų.


19,560 €
19,560 €
Palūkanų dydis
iki 14%



Liko laiko



Paskolos tikslas
Working capital

Verslo informacija
Apsaugos priemonės
Paskolų istorija
Projekto savininkas Adresas
Viliana Ivanova Dimitrova, LTD "Dimitrovi IV" Popovo town, Targovishte region
header_1 Deklaruotas plotas Nuosavas plotas
Farming land 270.00 ha 20.00 ha
Pajamos 732,800.00 € 635,000.00 €
Grynasis pelnas 293,850.00 € 83,500.00 €
Nuosavo kapitalo santykis 42.9% -
Total value of pledged assets

65,200.00 €

Plough OVLAK LV 3 2007 6,100.00 € According to independent property valuation
Seeder TRAMLIN SX 3 2008 13,500.00 € According to independent property valuation
Seeder AZIM 6 2018 8,500.00 € According to independent property valuation
Cultivator ZANON TMU 1850 2013 6,300.00 € According to independent property valuation
Other attachment Disc harrow PALLADA 4000 2018 8,900.00 € According to independent property valuation
Sprayer AGRIUMA ATROX MAXI 2000L 2018 14,900.00 € According to independent property valuation
Trailer REMBY AT2RT10 2018 7,000.00 € According to independent property valuation
Personal surety Guarantee from Legal entity "Bioinvest Ltd." - -
Personal surety Personal surety from the project owner's father - -
Read more about security measures here.
Paskolos numeris Paskolos suma Paskolos likutis Apmokėtos palūkanos Statusas
BG0002010 19,560.00 € 19,560.00 € 0.00 € Active
BG0000588 85,600.00 € 0.00 € 4,181.68 € Repaid
BG0000698 28,000.00 € 0.00 € 1,731.24 € Repaid
BG0001010 15,000.00 € 0.00 € 2,031.05 € Repaid
BG0001011 85,000.00 € 84,500.00 € 13,407.06 € Active
BG0001229 52,500.00 € 52,000.00 € 7,357.05 € Active
BG0001338 33,000.00 € 0.00 € 3,046.70 € Repaid
BG0001480 32,000.00 € 32,000.00 € 3,296.30 € Active
BG0001746 50,500.00 € 49,700.00 € 2,169.00 € Active
BG0002002 22,110.00 € 22,058.87 € 442.32 € Active
Projekto aprašymas
Mokėjimo grafikas

Dimitrovi IV Ltd. has been operating in Popovo, Bulgaria since 2009. The total cultivated area of the company is 270 hectares, which was extended by 20 hectares in 2022.

The farmland is now allocated for wheat (120 ha), organic sunflower (120 ha), and alfalfa (30 ha), their produce is mainly sold in the European market. The company has all the necessary equipment needed for harvesting, processing and other smaller implements, including the combine harvester and tractor.

Besides, the company's owner, Viliana Ivanova Dimitrova, engages in dairy production where she manages 50 dairy cows under her individual activity.

Dimitrovi IV Ltd. is already known by the HeavyFinance investor community. The company has fully paid three loans BG0000558, BG0000689, and BG0001010 on the HeavyFinance platform, with a total principal amount of 128 600 €. Currently, the company has five existing active loans with a total active balance of 229 909 € of which they have been meeting their obligations on time. In addition, Dimitrovi IV Ltd. has recently raised 22 100 € for working capital with the loan BG0002002, the loan is currently under the documentation process.

Now, they are looking for additional finance of 19 560 € for refinancing their previous loan BG0001338 which has a remaining principal amount of  11 109.63 €. To secure the loan amount, a pledge on seven pieces of attachment will be registered. The company "Bioinvest Ltd." which belongs to the project owner's father and the father himself will also provide a guarantee for an extra measure of the loan.

Bioinvest Ltd. is also known by the HeavyFinance investor community through its three loans with a total amount of 79 000 €. Today, Bioinvest has fully repaid all three loans on the platform.

Projekto rizikos

Šitam projektui, kyla rizika prarasti visą gautą pelną ir investuotas lėšas.

Tokiu atveju, Projekto savininkui neįvykdžius savo įsipareigojimų, Platformos operatorius imsis visų būtinų priemonių investuotojų interesams apsaugoti ir panaudos pateiktą užstatą, tačiau Platformos valdytojas negarantuoja visiško Projekto savininko įsipareigojimų įvykdymo.

Finansinėms sutartims netaikoma Lietuvos Respublikos indėlių ir įsipareigojimų investuotojams draudimo įstatymo nustatyta draudimo apsauga.

Papildoma informacija:

Projekto savininkui nesurinkus finansuotinų sumų, surinktos lėšos grąžinamos rėmėjams pervedant jas į sąskaitą, iš kurios buvo pervestos. Platformos operatorius taip pat turi teisę pasiūlyti Projekto savininkui per Projekto finansavimo terminą sumažinti finansuojamą sumą arba pratęsti Projekto finansavimo terminą. Tokiu atveju, sumažinus finansuojamą sumą arba pratęsus Projekto finansavimo terminą, visais atvejais apie tai pranešama Platformoje ir informuojami Fondo finansuotojai.