Ūkio paskola +Valstybės garantija

Ūkio paskola skirta žemės ir technikos įsigijimui, apyvartiniam kapitalui padidinti, kitiems ūkio plėtros poreikiams. Paskolos sąlygos priklauso nuo ūkio kreditingumo, paskolai užtikrinti įkeičiamo turto, paskolos grąžinimo laikotarpio ir kitų kriterijų.


56,100 €
56,100 €
Palūkanų dydis
iki 10.2%



Liko laiko



Paskolos tikslas
Equipment purchase

Verslo informacija
Apsaugos priemonės
Paskolų istorija
Projekto savininkas Adresas
Xxxxxxx Čėxxx, Xxxxxxx, XXX
header_1 Deklaruotas plotas Nuosavas plotas
Dirbama žemė--
Grynasis pelnas
Nuosavo kapitalo santykis
Projekto aprašymas
Mokėjimo grafikas

Individual guarantee

The farmer got granted an individual guarantee of 80% provided by a governmental development institution Agricultural Credit Guarantee Fund. Individual guarantee means that in case of a default, the Fund pays the difference between the unpaid credit amount or any portion thereof, and the income received by the credit institution from the exaction. Please read more about individual guarantees and benefits this scheme provides for investors in our news section.

About the project

With this project, we invite you to invest in the development of a company engaged in meat production. The project is intended for the acquisition of four new technical units with the support received from the National Paying Agency. The loan will be secured by the pledge of the purchased equipment.

Hantera, UAB, founded eight years ago, is engaged in the breeding of wild animals and cattle and the trade in the game products. Red deer, David's deer, Daniels, Mouflons, Shetland ponies, and pure-bred Highland and Angus bulls are bred in the areas managed by the company. The farm has a total of 400 animals.

There is a slaughterhouse on the farm, for which operation has received a permit from the State Food and Veterinary Service, which gives the right to provide food handling services. The company also has a meat packinghouse, which produces canned meat. The company sells its products at various fairs and exhibitions.

Besides, from 2015 Hantera receives annual financial support from the Ministry of Agriculture - payments for beef cattle breeding. The firm participated in the Lithuanian Rural Development Program 2014-2020 and has received support for the modernization of the technical fleet.

The growth of the company's profit largely depends on the number of offspring on the farm and purebred cattle breeds. Therefore, the main goals of the company are to increase the growth of cattle and increase the capacity of the meat packinghouse. To successfully implement the goals, the company borrows 56.100 €, which will be used to purchase four technical units - a reversible plow, a mower, a pneumatic seed drill, and a press. For the implementation of the project, the company has received NPA support amounting to 43,994 €.

The company additionally engages in equipment and holiday house rental. Besides, Hantera organizes trips to Hantera enclosures, where you can closely observe wild animals and cattle. You can find out more about it and the activities of the farm on their website.

Equipment seller: Dotnuva Baltic, UAB

Area of farmland: 161 ha, from which 43,72 ha is owned by the company

Annual interest

  • Investing from 100 € - interest 8,1%
  • Investing from 500 € - interest 8,8%
  • Investing from 1.000 € - interest 9,1%
  • Investing from 2.000 € - interest 9,6%
  • Investing from 5.000 € - interest 9,8%
  • Investing from 10.000 € - interest 10,2%

Projekto rizikos

Šitam projektui, kyla rizika prarasti visą gautą pelną ir investuotas lėšas.

Tokiu atveju, Projekto savininkui neįvykdžius savo įsipareigojimų, Platformos operatorius imsis visų būtinų priemonių investuotojų interesams apsaugoti ir panaudos pateiktą užstatą, tačiau Platformos valdytojas negarantuoja visiško Projekto savininko įsipareigojimų įvykdymo.

Finansinėms sutartims netaikoma Lietuvos Respublikos indėlių ir įsipareigojimų investuotojams draudimo įstatymo nustatyta draudimo apsauga.

Papildoma informacija:

Projekto savininkui nesurinkus finansuotinų sumų, surinktos lėšos grąžinamos rėmėjams pervedant jas į sąskaitą, iš kurios buvo pervestos. Platformos operatorius taip pat turi teisę pasiūlyti Projekto savininkui per Projekto finansavimo terminą sumažinti finansuojamą sumą arba pratęsti Projekto finansavimo terminą. Tokiu atveju, sumažinus finansuojamą sumą arba pratęsus Projekto finansavimo terminą, visais atvejais apie tai pranešama Platformoje ir informuojami Fondo finansuotojai.