Ūkio paskola
Ūkio paskola skirta žemės ir technikos įsigijimui, apyvartiniam kapitalui padidinti, kitiems ūkio plėtros poreikiams. Paskolos sąlygos priklauso nuo ūkio kreditingumo, paskolai užtikrinti įkeičiamo turto, paskolos grąžinimo laikotarpio ir kitų kriterijų.
Projekto savininkas | Adresas |
header_1 | Deklaruotas plotas | Nuosavas plotas |
Dirbama žemė | 5.00 ha | 5.00 ha |
2021 | 2020 | |
Pajamos | 46,880.01 € | 45,487.19 € |
Grynasis pelnas | - | - |
Nuosavo kapitalo santykis | - | - |
The project owner’s land has been in his family for generations. After he inherited this 6.5 Ha of land, he planted 2 Ha of “Pinheiro Manso” (Pinus pinea) in 2020. But, although his family was always directly involved in farming, he never registered as a farmer until now.
This small native pine tree plantation allowed him to enter a subsidise governmental program focused on the reforestation of a specific region in the center/south of Portugal with native tree species - “Zona de Intervenção Florestal (ZIF) da Aldeia do Mato (Santarém district)”, which supports the upkeep of the program member lands.
Not only there is an environmental interest on the growth of this tree species, but it also offers a high profitability since the pinecone seed of “Pinheiro Manso” (Pinus pinea) is an expensive delicacy. They expect to get the first production in 2024. The couple is personally taking care of the land. But the seasonal works are planned together with the family members that own the adjacent plots of the same trees, and together they outsource work when a tractor or other specific equipments are needed.
He now wants to expand the production to more 3 Ha and in the future the remaining 1.5 Ha of land.
He decided to sell another family country house to fund this investment, but now is the season to plant the Pine trees and he doesn’t want to lose a year.
His plan is to get a loan with HeavyFinance to plant the 3 Ha and repay this loan when the country house will be sold. To ensure the viability of this loan, the project owner pledged a flat that is his home and will use part of the funds to repay some small debts he has at the moment.
Special Offer
To incentivize our investors to finance this project, HeavyFinance is offering a 0,5L bottle of Portuguese Olive oil for each investor that finances at least 400 euros, 2 bottles for investments of at least 750 euros, and 3 bottles to investors that finance 1000 euros and above.
Projekto rizikos
Šitam projektui, kyla rizika prarasti visą gautą pelną ir investuotas lėšas.
Tokiu atveju, Projekto savininkui neįvykdžius savo įsipareigojimų, Platformos operatorius imsis visų būtinų priemonių investuotojų interesams apsaugoti ir panaudos pateiktą užstatą, tačiau Platformos valdytojas negarantuoja visiško Projekto savininko įsipareigojimų įvykdymo.
Finansinėms sutartims netaikoma Lietuvos Respublikos indėlių ir įsipareigojimų investuotojams draudimo įstatymo nustatyta draudimo apsauga.
Papildoma informacija:
Projekto savininkui nesurinkus finansuotinų sumų, surinktos lėšos grąžinamos rėmėjams pervedant jas į sąskaitą, iš kurios buvo pervestos. Platformos operatorius taip pat turi teisę pasiūlyti Projekto savininkui per Projekto finansavimo terminą sumažinti finansuojamą sumą arba pratęsti Projekto finansavimo terminą. Tokiu atveju, sumažinus finansuojamą sumą arba pratęsus Projekto finansavimo terminą, visais atvejais apie tai pranešama Platformoje ir informuojami Fondo finansuotojai.