Loans For Farmers

Get the Financing You Need to Grow Your Business

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What we offer

Land Loan

Financing of up to 90% of land value

Equipment Loan

New and up to 20 years old

Instalments Loan

Get a plough, water pump, cultivator, trolley, etc.

Fertilizer Loan

Cheaper than signing futures contracts

Green Loan

Get a 0% interest loan for shifting to no-till farming

Working Capital Loan

Equipment repair, salaries for seasonal employees, etc.

Whether you need financing for sustainable land management practices, new farmland, or upgrading your equipment, our loan programs can help you achieve your goals.

Contact us today to learn more about our loans for farmers and how we can help your agriculture business grow.

Affordable rate

Having experience working with more than 600 farms from Latvia to Portugal, we can proudly say that we understand farming business and can offer competitive financing solution, tailored individually to each farm’s needs.

No down-payment required

Most of the cases requires 0 initial investment to get a loan with HeavyFinance – notary, asset evaluation and administration fees are all included in your payment schedule and spread across the time.

No fees for repaying the full amount anytime after 4 first months

We don’t bother you with excessive bureaucracy and long waiting lines, nor we have any hidden costs or unfavourable contracts, we believe in farmers.

Agricultural loan calculator

Loan calculator



Monthly Loan Payment

Want a tailored repayment schedule? Fill out the application we will contact you

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