
Loan Statistics

Loans Issued Amount

75 572 537 €

Loans issued

2 481

Weighted Average Interest Rate

13.23 %

Average Loan Amount

30 460 €

Repaid Principal Amount

37 763 596 €

Loans Repaid In Full


Weighted Average Loan Term

34 Months

Average Investors Per Loan



Investor Statistics

Registered Investors


Registered LegalEntities


Average Portfolio

8 588 €


9 245 505 €


Portfolio performance
Loans issued75 572 538
Principal repaid37 763 596
Principal repaid, %49.97%
Outstanding principal amount37 808 941
Principal in default, €7 344 717
Principal in default, %9.72%
Interest paid9 245 504

In order to be transparent and to ensure that every investor has a clear understanding of the risks involved in investing, we publish indicators for the loans offered on the crowdfunding platform, the actual loan defaults by risk category.