Carbon Farming Program of
We don’t inherit land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children
Jolanta, 620 ha of arable land
In the summer of 2020, HeavyFinance started its flagship and pilot project in Lithuania with the objective of supporting farmers in their transition to regenerative farming while improving soil health and interdependent ecosystem services.
The Program aims to restore and improve soil health and its interdependent ecosystem services like carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, efficient photosynthesis, water purification among other ecosystem services.
Why Lithuania?
Deep traditions in growing wheat, barley and rye.
Food Security
12th largest exporter of wheat in the world
Second highest agricultural financing gap in relation to Gross Value Added (GVA) in Europe. With 79%
Decades of exploitative practices have led to ecosystem degradation in the region.
2,000+ retail investors engaged in nature conservation and restoration.
Practices implemented
- Reduced application of synthetic fertilisers
- Improved residue management
- Application of organic fertilisers
- Improved crop planting and harvesting techniques
- Reduced tillage
Want to learn more?
Incorporate soil carbon removals into your climate goals allowing you to offset hard-to-abate emissions while supporting the transition to regenerative agriculture.

Meet the Farmers

Farmer Jolanta

Farmer Donatas

Farmer Deividas
The implementation of the Program has allowed a universal adoption of regenerative practices among participants with 100% of farmers practising reduced tillage and crop rotations practices, 70% of them integrating cover crops and 30% of them reducing synthetic fertiliser.

- Project Type: Agriculture, Forestry and Land Management (AFOLU)
- Crediting program: VERRA Verified Carbon Standard (VCS)
- Methodology: VM0042 Improved Agricultural Land Management
- Available Carbon Credits: 140k+
- Vintages: 2020-2023
- Estimated Date of Issuance & Delivery: Q2 2025
- Type: Removal Nature-Based
- Farmers / Hectares Enrolled (up to date): 38 farms / 21kha
- Status: Under Validation
frequently asked questions
What is carbon farming?
Carbon farming are methods and practices aimed at storing as much organic carbon as possible in the soil. This is achieved this by reducing plowing and making better use of biomass potential.
What is a carbon certificate?
A carbon certificate is an official documentation of the removal of one ton of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon certificates in the program HeavyFinance undergo an independent audit by international organizations, which increases their credibility and value.
Why do companies buy carbon certificates?
Companies buy carbon certificates to offset their own emissions. They strive for climate neutrality, and the certificates help them offset emissions that they cannot completely eliminate.
How to join the program?
Simply fill out the form on the website and our representative will guide you through the entire process of joining.
How does the process look like?
1. Join the programme: you will have to provide us with some basic information on the fields enrolled in the programme.
2. Soil sampling: We use a system that randomly selects the fields that will be sampled for their carbon levels.
3. Agrotechnical questionnaire: You will be required to complete a questionnaire about the fields enrolled in the programme.
4. Third-party audit: To ensure credibility, a third-party auditor will review the project and conduct random field visits.
5. Generation and sale of carbon credits: Once our carbon credits are verified by the appropriate international bodies, our team will sell them to the highest bidders.
6. Receive your payment: Once the sale is finalised, you will receive your payment
What practices do I need to implement on the farm?
In the program, farmers implement selected practices from the list, including:
Crop rotation
Reduced tillage
Reduction of mineral fertilization
Leaving crop residues
Our staff will help select the right practices for your farm.
How long is the contract signed for?
The contract is signed for 20 years, which increases the credibility of the project and maximizes the price of certificates. Participation can be terminate earlier at no additional cost.
What costs do I incur?
Farmers do not bear any costs for participation. All costs are covered by HeavyFinance, and we collect our fee after the receipt of revenue by the farmer.
Who pays for the soil testing?
HeavyFinance covers all costs for soil testing.
How many soil samples do you take?
The number of samples depends on our algorithm, which takes into account the type of crops, soil texture and the microclimate of the plot.
Do I get an overview of the test results?
Yes, all participants have full access to the soil results.
How do you select soil sampling points?
Sampling points are selected by our algorithm, which takes into account the specifics of the farm.
How many certificates can I generate from one hectare?
We expect that you can generate between 1 and 5 carbon certificates per hectare per year.
How much is such a certificate worth?
The value of a certificate depends on market conditions and the quality of the certificate. Roughly speaking, one certificate can be worth about €30.
What influences the number of certificates I can generate?
The type of soil, the number of regenerative practices used and the microclimate of the farm have an impact.
What affects the price of a carbon certificate?
The price is affected by the quality of the certificate and current market conditions.
Can I choose the timing of certificate sales?
Yes, participants can choose when to sell certificates.
What information do I need to provide in addition?
The required information will be about your farm, the type of crops you grow and the agricultural practices you use.
What are the economic benefits of participating in the program?
The benefits are additional income, free agronomic advice, and the opportunity to obtain an interest-free loan.
Does participation in the program affect my agricultural subsidies?
No, participation in the program does not affect agricultural subsidies, which are a completely separate source of support.
Is there a grievance mechanism where I can leave my feedback or ask questions?
Yes. Your grievance is always welcome in English or local language in the following countries, where we have already had the local stakeholder consultations. You can reach grievance forms in dedicated pages for Green Loans and Carbon Farming Program.