Explore P2P about HeavyFinance: It is is one of the most interesting P2P sites to launch this year

The European Union spends a gigantic amount of money on farm subsidies every year. It was €58 billion in 2018. If, like most of us, you don’t own a farm then you have probably assumed that you would never get a share of this money. So how can you benefit from these funds? By lending to people who receive big farm subsidies each year. That’s where HeavyFinance comes in.

“According to Eurostat, there is around 30 billion euros financing gap in the European agriculture sector. The gap is so large partly due to tightening regulations on banks that is pushing them to focus on large farms and corporations leaving smaller players behind. Additionally, for many traditional financial institutions issuing rather small loans does not generate much profit. Therefore, HeavyFinance is filling this gap by providing a specialized financial product for small and medium farmers.”, says Laimonas Noreika, CEO of HeavyFinance.

Read a full Explore P2P interview with Laimonas here.