How much HeavyFinance investors earned in 2022? 

In 2022, European farmers were in the front line to feed the world. Your investments had a major positive impact on food security across the globe.

In June, the U.N. said Russia’s invasion of Ukraine had plunged some 71 million more people into poverty, most of them in countries in sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East, sparking fears of social unrest and outbreaks of new shortages. Despite struggling to access crucial supplies from fuel to fertilizer and seeds after the war began, Ukraine’s farmers managed to sow crops. Portuguese, Polish, Lithuanian, Latvian, and Bulgarian farmers also did their part by expanding their businesses to at least partially fill the gap in food supply.

126 loans repaid

During 2022 HeavyFinance farmer community repaid 126 loans earning investors 313K in interest and 43K in delay interest while at the same time repaying 3.5M EUR back to our investor community.

The most profitable loan yielded 42.7% while the safest loan yielded 6.2%. It is worth mentioning that the safest loan was funded with 6% interest rate.

Distribution of repaid loans by the year issued is presented below.

60% of the loans were repaid earlier than anticipated, 8% of loans were repaid later and 32% were repaid according to the repayment schedule.

From the 126 repaid loans 5 loans were fully repaid after termination.

By rating, the most profitable were C+ loans that generated 19% average annual returns. Right after these B+ rated loans followed with 15.2% average annual returns.

The most profitable repaid loans were from Poland with 13.5% annualized return, though only 2 loans were repaid in 2022 and Bulgaria with 12.6% and 11 repaid loans.

Full list of repaid loans in 2022