Portfolio Performance Review (March)

Welcome to the HeavyFinance performance review, where we break down the loans that were given and repaid, as well as summaries the investor returns. To see the report from the previous month click here.

19.4M EUR were issued to the farmers till the end of March, 2022. 4.3M EUR principal is already repaid to investors together with 1.06M EUR interest.

Overdue principal of more than 90 days is 768 thousand EUR.

The graph below shows the loan originations, principal repayments and interest payments for each quarter. For example, in 2020 Q3, 451 thousand EUR of loans were funded, of which 419 thousand EUR have already been repaid together with 48 thousand EUR of interest. 16 thousand EUR is currently less than 90 days overdue and 16 thousand EUR is currently more than 90 days overdue. (If any instalment is overdue, we treat the whole loan as being late).